Itaoeste no Brasil

Olacyr is now king of thallium


Itaoeste, owned by octogenarian Olacyr de Moraes, always surrounded by young women and former soybean king, has discovered Brazil’s first thallium reserve in the state of Bahia’s “cerrado” region. This rare and toxic metal is extensively employed in energy and in nuclear medicine procedures. The reserve is located in the municipality of Barreiras and its production potential is greater than that of the world’s two only producing countries; China and Kazakhstan. According to estimates, this would be sufficient to meet world demand for six years. One kgm of this element is currently worth R$ 9.6 thousand.


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ITAOESTE Serviços e Participações
Rua Fidêncio Ramos, 160 – 2º andar – sala 211 – CEP: 04551-010 - Vila Olímpia – São Paulo - SP
Tel: (11) 3168-3705 |